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We all want to be on top of the world. Want to be better at whatever we are doing. Better, not only than others but better than our own self. We want ‘that’ position, ‘that’ salary, ‘that’ lifestyle, ‘that’ vehicle, ‘that’ house, ‘that’ kind of family, ‘that’ life!

In all this pursuit of ‘that’, we ignore the main ‘hero’ who would do all this, “Me”!

We get bogged down by millions of things others want from us. Our moods define the quality of life we live, the people we are surrounded by, and the way they interact with us. We forget what keeps us charged and fit. We forget what keeps us energized and brings the confidence in us to move forward in life. The food we consume does not really get our attention. In a world where each one of us is always in a hurry to reach their destination on time, we eat whatever we can manage and whatever works for us!

Sometimes relishing a quick snack and cutting at a tea vendor outside the station or sometimes sipping a hot Cappuccino at a Starbucks. Whatever seems enticing and appetizing, we desire to be served on our tables. We crave for nutty crunchy ice creams or mouth-watering pizzas bursting with cheese and spices and consume it whenever we wish to, without any guilt.

Who said dont eat all this? But even after getting satiated with our cravings, our stress levels don’t reduce. We still fall short of the energy required, the confidence, hope and positivity to move forward. We still find ‘that’ happy world elusive.

Why not eat something that makes you live life the way you want? Not longer but better. A better and smiling life that makes you do what you want and not what others want from you.

Get back to your Natural Self – Live your life ‘your’ way. Stay Natural and Lead a Happy Life.

Eat food the way Nature has made for you. Eat food which calms you down, satisfies your palate, reduces your stress and enhances your lifestyle. Dont eat chemistry books, but rather go for something which lets you stay the way you are. Eat food that makes you stay the way you are - Naturally!

But at the same time, don’t lose to your life – don’t put yourself at the end of every line – you are not an afterthought. Walk next to the sea – jump in the ocean or roll down the hills – don’t carry things in your heart like a treasure – spill it out.

Be weird – as there isn’t time for anything else.

Be yourself, dont store any regrets – eat what you want to, without harming too much. Don’t miss trying something, because you ‘think’ it might be bad. There is nothing bad.

Just take few steps without compromising your life – without having to move to all health without fun – take care of your health but with some fun, with more smiles, with more stupidities – stay foolish, but don’t stay hungry!